Lunch webinar #2: Sustainable feeding
Time and date: Friday 25.03 1200-1300
Topic: Training of feeding operators
Place: Microsoft Teams
Language: Norwegian
On Friday 25th of March, we will hold the second webinar in the webinar series Sustainable Feeding. The topic for this time will shed light on “training of feeding operators” in sea-based farming. We have invited different speakers from the industry that will share their perspective on the topic. The previous webinar was a resounding success with as many as 127 registered participants and we hope this will be at least as popular.
About the webinar series
There is a significant paradigm shift when it comes to the technology mix used for aquaculture production. Large offshore farms, closed and semi-closed facilities and increasingly advanced land-based facilities, in addition to more advanced sea-based sites are being constructed. A recurring question is whether you feed correctly and utilize the fish’s growth potential to the full. Sustainable feeding is of great importance for both the fish’s welfare and growth, feed utilization, the farmer’s economy and not least the environment around us.
The webinar series will shed light on the biology of fish and the interaction with humans in the operational aspects of feeding. The goal is to create an increase in competence in the farmers’ most important activity and an arena for increasing awareness, commitment and knowledge on topics within sustainable feeding.
The webinar is free and open to anyone interested.
Further details will be announced.