
Issue to be solved

  • How to take out more potential of the fish and feed?
  • How to measure the feeding?
  • How to continuous improve feeding?


  • Systematic measuring and evaluation of feeding performances.
  • Video documentation, feeding analysis and talent development.
  • Close collaboration with customer. With intention to create a common understanding and strategy for the company.

About the collaboration

All customers have gone through a start-up period that includes mapping, installation and courses at selected sites. Furthermore, video documentation has been collected from the feeding at the customer’s sites, which has been measured and analyzed by our analysts and customer advisors. This is reported and listed in statistics in our software, which the customer also has access to.

During the period, project groups were set up for further reporting and follow-up. Respectively, weekly meetings with operators and other key personnel, as well as steering group meetings with the management in the company. Based on video documentation, feeding analysis and talent development, together with the customer, Spillfree has developed a common understanding and strategy for feeding, thereby improving feeding performance and results.

Implementation of feeding optimization tool

A complete digital solution was used to optimize feeding. This involved tools for daily video capture, measurement, analysis and video documentation of feeding performance, as well as a course platform for competence development of feeding operators.

Onboarding process

  • Mapping and installation of selected sites
  • E-learning courses within feeding and course diplomas
  • Staff training
  • License access given to customer
  • Data capture, videodocumentation and feeding analysis
  • Establishment of project groups
  • Implementation of plan and follow-up
  • Diagnosis and findings are discussed in project groups
Increased fish growth with 0.5 in TGC
In almost three years, one of our customers increased its average TGC from 2.65 to 3.15. This resulted in increased production of 4,609 tonnes and an increased profit of NOK 220 million.
Increased feeding dosage by 30%
Video documentation changed the customer`s feeding practices. The customer achieved a significantly increased overview and control deeper in the pen, and increased feeding dosage by 30%.
Increased camera control by 121%
One of our customers managed to reduce passive camera control during meals by 69%, and increase overall camera control at end videos by 121%.