Spillfree hires Tobias Amthor from Cermaq
Spillfree has expanded the delivery team and hired Tobias Amthor from Cermaq as the new Customer Advisor in Spillfree.
Tobias is 33 years, comes from Oslo and the job as Logistics Coordinator in Cermaq Norway, where he worked almost 5 years. Previously, Tobias has worked at the feed center at Norway Royal Salmon and interned at LetSea and Grytåga hatcheries. He also holds a bachelor’s degree in biology from UiO and a course certificate in logistics/transport from NHO.
Tobias will be working with video analysis of feeding performance, and will eventually gain customer responsibility for following up on both feeding operators and production management. The aim is to create better feeding performance by pointing out, as well as focusing on the right aspects, so that improvements can be made. He will also be a contributor to the development of new products and methods.
Huge focus on minimizing the environmental footprint and caring for the fish’s health and welfare
– The aquaculture industry represents an important source of food for many people all over the world. Seafood production is of great socio-economic importance for Norway due to its many positive effects and spin-offs. Seafood production has seen great growth in recent years, and will be even more important in the future. Optimizing feeding is one of the core activities in seafood production, and can contribute to increasing productivity and profitability in the fish farms. It is also absolutely central to minimizing the environmental footprint, and caring for the fish’s health and welfare, says Tobias.
Collecting data to understand more is key to feeding optimization
– Every site is unique with different natural environmental conditions and operating conditions that affect the fish. This also influence how well the site succeeds in feeding. Personally, I think a key success factor is to spend more time understanding these environmental and operational conditions, together with the fish farming producers, to be able to work on feeding optimization – and find the best strategy for each individual site. Biology is complex, and it is not always as obvious to understand in which areas there is potential in terms of feeding. It can be small details that ultimately make big differences, Tobias continues.
Values practical experience in a growing company
The delivery team at Spillfree continues to grow in line with increased customer needs. We are always on the lookout for new talents, where practical understanding and experience from aquaculture is highly valued.
– Tobias has previous experience with commercial feeding, as well as experience from other parts of the value chain in aquaculture. Practical experience and thus an understanding of the customer’s situation is important at Spillfree and something we value, says CEO Vidar Myhre.