Optimal feeding through video documentation and talent development

Increased safety and control with VideoTools

VideoTools is an analysis and decision support tool for optimizing feeding performance. The software collects feeding videos and feeding data, and through daily video documentation and analysis enables farmers to better understand, evaluate and compare feeding performance.

A small improvement in feeding can do wonders for growth, fish welfare, the environment and not least the result.

Professionalizing the feeding profession

Through video documentation, feeding analysis and talent development, we contribute to professionalizing the feeding profession and creating outstanding feeding performance. Through increased insight and focus on details in the feeding, both the feeding center and operators experience increased motivation, safety and professional development in their work.

The goal is to satiate the fish as much as possible for the least possible feed waste.

Company- and site overview

  • Full overview and stay up to date on the feeding at your sites and regions
  • Compare trends at sites and regions
  • See primary- and secondary evaluations
  • Orient yourself easily when using the traffic light system

Company- and site overview

  • Full overview and stay up to date on the feeding at your sites and regions
  • Compare trends at sites and regions
  • See primary- and secondary evaluations
  • Orient yourself easily when using the traffic light system

Cage day view

  • Dive deep into a feeding day
  • Evaluate feeding performance
  • Insight into 3-minute feeding videos from important situations (strategic recordings)
  • Compare camera position, eating behavviour, feeding performance and feeding data
  • Mark cages for further discussion

Statistics- and report view

  • Find trends and patterns of feeding performance for the seleted period, for one or more sites
  • Find statistics on primary and secondary evaluation, camera position and eating behavior
  • Map challenges, make plans for adjustments and implement measures for improvement

Statistics- and report view

  • Find trends and patterns of feeding performance for the seleted period, for one or more sites
  • Find statistics on primary and secondary evaluation, camera position and eating behavior
  • Map challenges, make plans for adjustments and implement measures for improvement

The value of video documentation

Group 951

Video feedback to operators

As a point of control in a continuous improvement wheel
Group 909

Analysis of feeding behaviour

Assess and compare feeding situations
Group 937

Document the effect of new hardware or feeding equipment

For example cameras, spreaders or winches
Group 908

Document sustainability goals and feeding performances

Document feed waste and fish welfare, satisfy national and international ambitions for lower emissions and increased fish welfare, and be ahead of governmental requirements

Optimal training of production staff

Professionalize operators and ensure that internal communication is about the essence of farming
Group 942

Play-ground for AI

Build your own database for development of internal or external machine learning algorithms for recognition of situations within feeding and fish welfare
Do you want more information about VideoTools?
Use the form to get more information, book a presentation or request a demo.
Do you want more information about VideoTools?
Use the form to get more information, book a presentation or request a demo.

Arctic Fish has improved its results on growth, and increased feeding precision clearly plays role. In close collaboration with the Spillfree team, our operational personnel have increased their awareness, motivation and knowledge about feeding.


Stein Ove Tveiten, CEO Arctic Fish
Stein Ove Tveiten

Contact us for more

Vidar Myhre
Vidar Myhre


+47 93 01 29 23